Friday, March 23, 2012

Vaio Laptops- Know the truth

Here is a scenario. You want to get a laptop. Let's say since Vaio is among the best ranked laptops today, you wish to buy it. What do you think about? You see if it's the specifications you want. You see if its economical enough. If it has got a long battery life. Long warranty period. slim sleek name it you will think abou it. But have you ever thought "Is this laptop environment friendly?" I guess not. Because neither did I and i own a Vaio. Not until I read about it did I know how much of a non-friendly laptop this is.

"Sony Vaio laptops are among the three worst laptops when it comes to environment". This is a fact. News infact from a survey.
Okay. First let me enlighten the good things(good for the environment) about Sony laptops.
They show a high power efficiency and can save a lot of power. Especially if you get a 9-cell battery you would be running your laptop for 7-10 hours straight without power and it requires for you to just charge it for about 2 hours.
Next is they reduce noise pollution. You might wonder how. Here it is. They are quieter due to the presence of slower hard drives. They require slower and fewer cooling fans which leads to less noise.
Sadly, these are the plus points about the laptop. Now going on to the negatives, although laptop conserves a lot of energy when it is running, it's production requires a lot of energy. Laptop production mainly depends on fossil fuels which leads to their depletion and their extraction and burning leads to climatic changes and in turn global warming. The fabrication of microchip is the most dangerous process of the production which results in causing the exposure to harmful chemicals leading to health hazards of the communities. Many components of the laptop contain hazardous chemicals which poses a great threat to the environment. The display screen and keyboard of Vaio contain harmful chemicals like lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury etc. These when dumped in the landfills causes serious environmental problems. Obsolete and used laptop computers eventually add to the e-waste, which gets dumped in environmentally-unsafe landfill sites. The metallic parts of the computers especially contain numerous toxic chemicals such as lead and mercury, which are considered to be chief contributors to the chemical pollution of the environment.
So what is Sony doing?

Sony has taken many policies to stop some of its degradation process:
The complete list is available here:
what i personally think is some big companies eventually start feeling guilty about the extent to which they cause harm to the environment and suddenly introduce environmental policies. But how much of it is true is actually very hard to tell. When it comes to the extent to which they cause damage the measures taken are zilch. Of course, I might be wrong about the whole assumption but then there can always be two sides to the story.

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