Monday, April 16, 2012

Project-Saving the environment through printers!

There are so many people that i know who always want to print everything they see. They want to print out articles they write, text books from the net. They are so crazy about printing. It is of course fine to print everything but you do not print out of thin air! Paper and ink are used and the more you print the more you are indirectly destroying the environment. Another important thing to be considered is what will you be doing with the print out once you have printed it? Say, a train ticket. You will use it once and then just throw it away. If you are the sort of person who recycles the paper, we salute you but still it is a waste of paper.
Fact is about 59% of the paper used for such purposes goes and ends up in landfills. Pathetic isn't it?!
So we thought of a way to reduce on the number of pages used for printing.
So, out project is an idea to reduce the font size and the print options to save paper and well, ink too!
In this project, you will explore ways to print out the same document using less paper. You’ll change the font size in a document and see how it changes the amount of paper required for printing. You will also change the print options in your word processing software and see how that changes the amount of paper required for printing. Maybe what you learn can help you avoid "wasting" paper!

This idea was already proposed and we thought it would be a simple and great idea to implement this because the field of software is where a lot of paper and printers are being used and hence our responsibility to pay back to what we take.

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